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Monday, January 28, 2008

Free Things to Do on Vacation in Paris

You can get more for LE$$ on vacation by finding free things to do at your vacation destination. Here is a list of free things to do on vacation in Paris. To find free things to do at other vacation destinations around the world, visit Free or Less.

This list of free things to do in Paris is excerpted from

Most churches in Paris are free, except Sainte Chapelle which is not an operating church. The majority of churches in France are open to the public during daylight hours. Certain churches will charge admission to certain parts of the building which either have relics or allow access to the bell tower (i.e. Notre Dame Tower is accessed by the outside steps to the left of the building).

Free Museums

Musee Carnavalet
23 rue de Sevigne
Le Marais District
Metro: St. Paul
Closed Mondays.

If you want to learn about the history of the City of Paris, this is a great place to begin. The permanent exhibit is free.

Musee Cognacq Jay
8 rue Elzevir
Marais District
Metro: St. Paul
Closed Mondays

Ernest Cognacq was the founder of the department store La Samaritaine. This private townhouse built in th e rococo style houses paintings and furniture from the 18th century. Like the Marmottan and Musee Jacquemart Andre, unlike the vast grandeur of Chateau Versailles, these elegant private ‘hotels particuliers’ have managed to retain a sense of intimacy - as if the former owner might be hovering in an alcove.

A number of museums offer free admission on the first Sunday of each month, during the Journee du Patrimoine, or Heritage Day (usually in late September or early November) and White Night, Nuit Blanche, in early October.

Free Louvre
With a little advanced planning, you can visit the Louvre Museum for free.
The Louvre offers FREE admission to all visitors on the first Sunday of each month, July 14th (Bastille Day), and free admission is offered to art students studying in France if you have the right documentation. Check their site regarding free admission for art, art history, or applied arts teachers with right documentation. The Louvre offers FREE admission to children and teenagers under 18 years. Friday nights are FREE if you are under 26 years. The Louvre offers FREE admission to disabled people and their attendants. See the Louvre for Free details on the official Louvre site.

Free Wi-Fi
Free Wi-Fi is available in many of Paris’s parks and libraries.

Summer Concerts
Free summer concerts at the Luxembourg Gardens (and many other gardens).

Ice Skating
Free Ice Skating during part of the winter (Skate Rentals cost 5 Euros, but are free for kids with small feet).
Hotel de Ville 4th
Metro: Hotel de Ville

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